To My Mommy’s Best Friend
I know back then
You did what you thought was right
Helping mommy through that crisis pregnancy
When she didn’t think she wanted me
And she cried day and night
As years have gone by
Mommy came to grips
At my life she had let
Slip through her finger tips
She forgives you for
The part you played
In driving her to the clinic
Where in the waiting room you stayed
The pain & silence of her loss
Went on for many years
But you were there to comfort her
Through many of her tears
I must let you know
That I forgive you too
You see, Jesus explained to me
That you did what you thought you had to do
And at the time it seemed right
But now that you know better
I hope for others like me you will fight
Written & copyrighted by: Tina C. Brock - April 2009